Note To Self: I Am Designed to Heal My Wounds

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryYou Are Designed to Heal Your Wounds.

You are designed to heal any and all suffering that keeps you out of alignment with the divine source energy within you. You are designed to overcome any limiting beliefs that your humanity may have picked up along the way. I any given moment you have the ability to return to the truth that was woven into your humanity by your divinity.

Suffering comes from being out of alignment. Wounding happens when suffering become your new normal. This is where you adopt the pain and create limiting beliefs that hold language for the pain. All of this contradicts your essential truth.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryIt is not in the absence of the limiting beliefs that the truth exists; the truth is always there and is fundamental to you. The divine source energy is always coursing through you. This is why being out of alignment and focused on what limits you, feels so uncomfortable.

There are no wrong ways to heal, and to return to your truth and alignment within. Take all judgment out of the process and start incrementally shifting your mind to follow your desire, because it will always lead you to your truth. Allow your present moment to create a clearer language for not only what you want, but also what has been holding out of alignments with your truth.

Last season’s episode where we looked at how to heal old wounds is a perfect next step to owning this week’s Note to Self.

Watch the video or listen to the audio to take the next step in shifting your thinking and start creating the healing you desire, and don’t forget to leave your comments and ask your question.

Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story






Sending you all the love this week while I’m holding a place for you where your healing is fully realized!

XOXO- Alicia

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story