Oprah Magazine

 In Blog, News & Excitement


O-Magazine-Alicia-Hartzell-Awakening-to-Your-Story-Living into your dreams doesn’t happen all at once. It takes time.  Big dreams, or little dreams, they all take personal evolution.  You must shift and build and stretch your heart’s capacity, so you can become the person who can embody that miraculous dream. Your dreams are like a crystal ball, showing you what is possible for your future.  They will become reality, but they are designed to do so much more than just happen.  They are designed to help you become a better, stronger part of humanity.  They are designed to help you let go of the old crap in your life that no longer serves you.  It’s time to set your heart free, so that you can come home to your essential truth. It’s time to remember all that you are, all that you can do and all that you are meant to do in this world.

As powerful as this is, it is also where frustration can sneak in, where the belief of separation can take over.  You create the dream, and you want it to, poof, become a reality. When it doesn’t happen at your expected pace, you begin to own the separation.  You begin to doubt what you are, and own the limitation the dream was designed to remove.  Thankfully, the image of the dream is usually stronger than the limitation. This is because the dream is aligned with your essential truth, while the doubt is only aligned with the limitation.

Because dreams are directly linked to your heart, and your higher consciousness, you will get little reminders and nudges along the way.  They are designed to help keep you on track.  This brings me to today’s post.  Finding four photos of myself in the Oprah Magazine happens to be my nudge, or my “divine wink of love’ designed to remind me to stay on track.

It’s no secret that my dream is to have my own show on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network.  The show would allow me to reach a large number of people with my “heart” work, and give people the “how,” that they are not only looking for, but also need.  In that dream, I am also the author of many more books adding to my first, Awakening to Your Story. I am teaching, and speaking publicly to help raise the consciousness of humanity.  I know it’s meant to be a reality, no ego in that statement, just pure, purpose driven heart.  Man, there are times I wish I were there already, and there are times I doubt I will make it there.  Just as I choose to reach beyond the doubt and focus in on my journey and heart’s evolution towards the dream, I open up the magazine and find myself there.  Not once, not twice, but four times my face smiles back at me from page 83 in the June edition of the O Magazine

Alicia-Hartzell-Oprah-Magazine-Awakening-to-Your-Story--300x300I know someday it won’t just be my smiling face, but my love-filled words that are pouring out of the pages.  I have so much to teach, and so much love to share with anyone who is ready to listen.  I know the audience will come, and will grow, as my own limitations are eliminated.  Until then, I will keep reaching and stretching my heart capacity towards my dream.

And so, you keep trying to reach the dream.  Try shifting your perspective just a little, and rather than just having a laser beam focus on your dream, try recognizing the power in each step forward.  Focus on your heart’s evolution.  Recognize where your heart is now, and then get curious about the You in the dream.  What are the beliefs and heart capacity of the person standing in the middle of the dream, as it’s fully realized?  Remember, your dreams are not just about the end result; they’re about the path home to your essential truth.

Trust me, this shift in perspective will help take the edge off the doubt and separation. After all, separation is an illusion.  Keep your eye out for those winks of love along the way!

Remember, you are the only you this world will ever know.  Your dreams are so valuable, and are designed so that you can bring something to the table of humanity, that only you can bring

Keep dreaming, you miraculous being of light!

Thank You to Gayle King! Love following you on Instagram and enjoyed using the #ownxo

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