
 In Blog, Learn & Grow

Alicia-Hartzell-PerspectiveToday I am grateful for perspective and the powerful way that it creates change in life.
My love, the only way that you can utilize the power of perspective, is to be curious and willing enough to shift it!  Let your mind and your heart think outside the box and limiting place that you find yourself. You are meant to experience wonder! You dream of something more, not to keep you separate, but to get you ready to make it reality!
You are a miracle set in motion. Every inch of your being is working in harmony, moment by moment, to fulfill your dreams.

ACTION: Today, if you’re looking out – try looking in, if you’re looking down try looking up.

1.) Start with your eyes and let them work with your mind.  As you awaken to the wonder and power of perspective you will witness brilliant new points of view.

2.) Then take it a step farther and do it with your mind and you heart! Where you feel frustration or stress being created from an outside force, try shifting your perspective inward. Stop focusing on the outside force, and instead turn your conscious attention on what your heart is saying. Take a breath and look for it. Take out all the vocabulary that makes it about the other person, and find out what it is YOUR heart needs in that moment.
Perspective is powerful stuff my love! The only way to change the world outside is by changing what’s inside. Remember nothing happens to you, it all happens for you! Be curious enough to play with your perspective so that you can figure out how everything, even frustration and stress, are trying to help you make your dreams reality!

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