Season 7 Episode 16

Let’s talk about how to overcome shyness and step into a place of inner power around other people. There are lots of ways to talk about and think about shyness. For example you can look at it [...]

Season 7 Episode 15

It’s that “Back To School” time of year again, and with it can come increased amount of stress and anxiety. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent or just a person dealing with the increased [...]

Season 7 Episode 14

Today we are talking about how to overcome perfectionism. After doing the video and blog about your power of choice I got a request to talk about the mindset of perfectionism and how to cope with [...]

Season 7 Episode 13

Today we are talking about your Emotional Tool, Mindfulness and Mental – Emotional Time Travel and how it can help you throughout your day. There are varying definitions for mindfulness but they [...]

Season 7 Episode 12

Today we are talking about your Emotional Tool, Choice and how to choose a positive thought when things feel negative. We have all gotten to a place where things feel heavy, negative, and really [...]

Season 7 Episode 11

Ok, today we are talking about stress. We all have it in our lives to varying degrees. Stress most often comes from the dynamics we have with the people around us, our environment (such as home, [...]

Season 7 Episode 10

Today we are going to face worthlessness and self-hatred together from a heart-centered place. Whether you face these things on a daily basis or if an echo of them only sneaks in from time to [...]

Season 7 Episode 9

 Today we are talking about your inner voice, that narrator of your experience, that voice you hear thought out your day and the power that lies in using it as an emotional tool. Being in a [...]

Season 7 Episode 8

Let’s look at the Map Of Your Emotional Heart. As we continue to talk about emotional tools the map of your emotional heart is a powerful tool to incorporate into your toolbox. All of those [...]

Season 7 Episode 7

I got a wonderful question last week asking how to be a better communicator. So today we are going to be look at how to communicate from a heart-centered and conscious place, because being [...]

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