
Well Hello Miracle Maker,

Do you ever feel like you are hiding or denying parts of yourself? Through the eyes of fear, your limiting beliefs seem to chip away at your truth. From this place, your dreams and desires become inconsequential. It may even feel if as part of yourself or part of your power, is being stolen or handed over to other people and circumstances in your life.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

This illusion of being broken or a fraction of yourself is offered to you by your limiting beliefs, and the mirage can dissipated by your truth. Your fundamental truth is that you are whole. No one has the power to take anything from you. Oh, they can pass along their fear and limiting beliefs that mask the truth, but you can never be separated from that which you are. While you walk through this lifetime, there is a union between your humanity and divinity that cannot be broken. It is in that union that you are unbreakable and indeed whole.

Let’s take five minutes in this episode and rest in the oneness and wholeness of your being. Allow the truth in the episode to be a reflection to the truth within. Take it with you and create ownership for your wholeness.

And don’t forget to check out this week’s I AM image to help keep you focused on your truth through out the week!

After you watch the “I AM Whole” episode, take that truth into your day-2-day life. Reach for your mantra of truth I AM WHOLE every chance you get!

BONUS Ways to Own Your Truth:

Find an image of yourself where you feel that truth of light, add some text to the image, and put that physical representation of your truth where you can see it. You can even post it on social media. It’s valuable to claim your truth externally as much as you do internally. Use #awakeningtoyourstory

Join the Awakening to Your Story Facebook page, because we will be posting new images and links all week long to keep you focused on your truth! It’s also the perfect place to share your photo of truth!

Know that I am holding a place for you, where your truth of wholeness is undeniable!


Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell DON’T FORGET: You can also listen to the podcast episodes on the go!

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Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryAlicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story Holiday