
Happy Pre-New Year Miracle Maker-

In just a couple days you will be embarking on a new beginning. I don’t know about you, but I love a good old fashion fresh start. I have a new year’s tradition of reflection and intention setting. I write down all the big things that I am grateful for and then set some intentions for the year to come. I prefer intentions to resolutions. Resolutions take me a couple weeks into the New Year, and then leave me “shoulding” all over myself. Who wants to feel limited right out of the gate? To me, gratitude and intentions feel like taking a big rejuvenating breath, which is full of possibility.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to your StoryBelieve it or not, you are ready to move towards your dreams this year, and those intentions will help you pave the way. Now, in addition to this week’s New Years meditation there are a couple of things I want to remind you of as you start your new year.

Hop on over to the video or the audio to get those reminders, support, and inspiration. Don’t worry you will also get a few moments to bask in your “I AM READY” truth to start your New Year out on the right foot!

Sending you an abundant and joy filled ray of love for your New Year.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s I AM image to help keep you focused on your truth through out the week!

After you watch the “I AM Whole” episode, take that truth into your day-2-day life. Reach for your mantra of truth I AM WHOLE every chance you get!

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryBONUS Ways to Own Your Truth:

Find an image of yourself where you feel that truth of light, add some text to the image, and put that physical representation of your truth where you can see it. You can even post it on social media. It’s valuable to claim your truth externally as much as you do internally. Use #awakeningtoyourstory

Join the Awakening to Your Story Facebook page, because we will be posting new images and links all week long to keep you focused on your truth! It’s also the perfect place to share your photo of truth!

Know that I am holding a place for you, where your truth of connection is undeniable!


Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryDON’T FORGET: You can also listen to the podcast episodes on the go!

Need to catch up on episodes?  View all episodes of Awakening TV here!

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Alicia Hartzell Awakeing to Your Story HolidayAlicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story