Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

How do I have a safe open conversation with someone who has drastically different views then me?  I usually end up walking away feeling; unheard, annoyed, frustrated, angry, and wondering why I even bothered. 


These are people who have been in my life for a long time. I could cut them out of my life. But cutting someone out because we have different views seems drastic. And I really don’t want to be that person, I just need help knowing how to do it more effectively.

My Answer For You:

It can be hard when you find yourself in a conversation where emotions are running high and you feel like you are on opposite sides of a battlefield. You don’t want to loose the relationship but cutting and running in the other direction seems a lot easier that fighting with someone who won’t change their views.


Today’s episode is all about giving you understanding and action that will help you make those uncomfortable conversations feel less like a battle. Watch today’s video and learn the three steps to building a safe place to talk to someone who has drastically different beliefs than you.


A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • The changes you make within yourself ripple out and create a space for others to change at the table of humanity.
  • We are all a unique culmination of experiences and those experiences created the foundation for our individual beliefs and views.
  • You can respect and appreciate a person’s place at the table of humanity without agreeing or respecting their view or beliefs.




As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where your inner strength, and compassion are undeniable.




Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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