Today’s Question:

Dear Alicia –

People keep telling me to “let go” but what does that look like?  I feel like I let go of things, but then all of a sudden I find that I haven’t. My friends will tell me to surrender it because I don’t have control over it anyway, then I find myself constantly thinking about it. Obviously that’s not surrender.

How do I go about letting go and surrendering the things I don’t have the ability to change?

My Answer For You:

It can be hard to surrender or let go of something whether it is in or out of your control. Your mind just keeps running over the details, and it keeps you attached to the very thing you are trying to move away from.

Today’s episode is all about giving you insight and action to help understand what it means to really let go of something. Watch today’s video and learn practical approach to letting go that no one tells you. The art of surrender is closer that you think.


A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • Keep an eye out for the reflection of your truth out in the world.
  • Your pattern of thought is powerful so make sure it is aligned with your truth.
  • Expectations keep you linked to the very thing you are working to let go of or surrender.




As you watch the video or listen to the podcast version, know that I holding a place of love for you where you truth, light, and love are undeniable.



Don’t Forget:

You Can Also Listen To The Podcast Version On The Go!





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