You are worthy and capable of finding more ease in your life….

It’s time to use the struggle, the anxiety, and the fear that makes life feel hard. That’s right, you have the option to strop taking direction from these things and instead use them to help you find easy, flow, and alignment within your own experience.

A lot of people find validation in the hardness of an experience, and so they perpetuate the struggle without even realizing what they are doing. They are convinced that it has to be hard to be worth it, so they become conditioned to the hardness, fight, anxiety and struggle.

I want to rip through that old pattern of struggle and tell you that it gets to be as easy or hard as you believe it needs to be. I know that in some ways that feels crazy, because you wouldn’t choose for it to be hard or a struggle. But often we don’t see struggle, anxiety, or fear as a choice. We understand that it is woven into our beliefs and has become second nature to us.

The truth is life lulls us and we don’t always pay attention to what we believe. We also don’t always watch the thoughts we are thinking or the patterns we are reliving. We don’t use the struggle to help use get back into alignment with the life force within us. Instead we take directions from struggle and allow it to shape what we believe about ourselves and the world around us.

I want to bring something to your attention…. From the point of view of divine source energy (you insert your own language that fits your own belief system) the “hardness and struggle” you are experiencing is the experiential proof that you in resistance to the very life force within yourself.

So what do you do next and how do you use the struggle? Well there are endless options and things you can try. I recommend trying things till you find something that truly resonates and helps you feel less resistance and more ease in your life.

I personally recommend starting here:

1st You have to start to believe you are worthy of ease, and then start thinking about it being an option for you. You have to be willing to see inner peace as a possibility and get comfortable with the prospect of things in your life falling into place.

This may take more attention then you think. It means not just watching your thoughts as they come in but also actively thinking about ease. It’s time to get curious about how all would feel in your life. Inner peace, inner alignment that leads to being in harmony with the world around you, things falling to place, and the world around you opening up to work with you as it conspires in your favor…. It is all an option for you and you have to start thinking about it.

2nd You have to USE the struggle rather then taking direction from it. This means changing your relationship with the struggle. It is no longer working against you, bulling you, or keeping you down. The struggle is now just an indicator to help you find where you’re out of alignment so you can work your way back into ease.

I came up with an analogy years ago that I use almost everyday. I call it the Stream Kayak Principle and it’s in my book, and starter kit. I actually referenced it so much that I created The River of Life Hand Book that walks you thought the whole analogy with exercises and meditation to help you along the way.   If you have made it this far through the post then I want to gift you the Hand Book. Use code MYEASE to download it for free.

Here are the basics of the Stream Kayak Principle.

Life is a river, and just like any river if flows downstream. On the river each person has a boat and that boat is your consciousness. You have everything that you need right there in your own consciousness-boat. You are designed to flow with the river of life as it carries you downstream.

You get to bask and create in harmony with all that surrounds you. This is when you are in alignment with source, the life force energy itself, and your own being. Now if there are rapids in the river you have everything that you need right in your boat to navigate your way through them. All of this is the optimal experience.

This is where all that ease, inner peace, inner alignment, harmony with the world around you, things falling to place, and the world around you opening up to work with you as it conspires in your favor waits for you.

Now often we find ourselves dealing with trouble in the water. Here are some of the typical scenarios where you have trouble in the water:

  • Having two people in one boat
  • Paddling upstream against the current
  • Drowning in the river without your boat

All of these create struggle and challenge on the river and that struggle keeps you out of that inner alignment. I go into great detail about each one in the River of Life Handbook and Awakening to Your Story the book. For the purpose of this post we are going to focus on paddling upstream.

Paddling upstream is laterally the opposite of flowing downstream. It is a contrast in direction and energy. When you are find yourself paddling upstream you are connected to your consciousness, but you are not aligned with the flow of life. Instead you are fighting, working, and struggling against the current of life. At first you might feel really strong in the struggle, maybe even justified. Unfortunately the more you fight against the current of life, the farther away from happiness, ease, and harmony you get.

Oh sure you can survive in this position for a long time, but you have to ask yourself do you want to just survive? Do you want to stay in a relationship with your life that is hard and in a state of resistance? Or do you want to start feeling better and have more ease in your life?

If you want to feel better, then this is when you use the challenge and an indicator. Visualize for yourself literally paddling and fighting against the current, and then make a choice. With every negative or misaligned thought you have you are digging your paddle into the water. That fight against the currant leads to feelings that don’t feel good emotionally, mentally and physically.

So instead of perpetuating the struggle and taking directions from the negative feelings, you use them to help you see where you are on the river of life. Knowing where you are on the river of life gifts you with options. Bringing your conscious awareness to where you are in relationship to the river causes a momentary break in your pattern of thinking. From there you have a choice.

You can absolutely put your paddles back in the boat simply by choosing a thought that is more in alignment with the river. Visualize yourself putting your paddle back in the water. Then allow your boat to slowly turn around and get back into flow. You do this by choosing one aligned thought at a time.

The more aligned your thoughts, the better the feelings. That ease, inner peace, harmony with the world around you, things falling to place, and all the elements of life conspires in your favor are always an option for you!

Don’t worry if you have to turn your boat around 50 times a day. Just keep doing it. Keep choosing your thoughts and visualizing where you are in relationship to the river and your boat, and eventually your pattern of thinking will shift.

So this week in invite you to put yourself in your very own kayak and flow downstream as you start to feel and believe that there can be ease in your life.

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