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Toady we are going to be talking about another one of my favorite emotional tools: Positive Cellular Memories.

We are going to look at what Positive Cellular Memories are, why they are important, and how to use them as an emotional tool to help you feel better.

What is a Positive Cellular Memory:

A Positive Cellular Memory is a memory, that when recalled, it triggers a positive response in the core of your being. These positive memories transport you into a momentary space that feels good. You may find the corners of your mouth turning upwards in a smile as an involuntary physical response to recalling this positive moment in time. Your heart may feel tickled, enlightened, cozy, or comforted as you replay the memory like a move in your minds eye. You get the idea, every cell of your being responds in a positive way to this captured moment in time.

Why Positive Cellular Memories are important:

First they can get you out of an emotional pickle. Meaning if you find yourself in a challenging emotional state PCMs can help you shift out of that state into a place that feels better. They can help you transition from the Jellyfish Beach path of thinking to the Piña Colada Beach path of thinking. These positive and power packed memories can help you pull thoughts from your solution oriented prefrontal cortex rather then your fight, flight, or freeze amygdala.

The Jellyfish Beach vs. Pina Colada Beach analogy is an emotional tool on its own that helps you visualize the difference between your prefrontal cortex and amygdala so I am linking that Video and Blog so that you can tap into that tool. But utilizing a PCM actively helps slows the negative momentum down and makes room for your brain to transitions to a place that feels better.

Positive Cellular Memories also can help you fortify your positive bias. Again this is also a big topic and tool on it’s own so I am linking that Video and Blog so that you can learn more about that emotional tool.

Allowing your brain to run on autopilot means you are living according to a negative bias that is designed to keep you safe and small in the wilds of humanity. Becoming an active participant in choosing your thoughts means living in a state of consciousness. From this place you have the power to build a positive bias that gifts you access to a solution oriented mindset that allows for more thriving, problem solving, and living into a place of expansion where you can become more of who you truly are.

The more you call out what is right and working the more your brain will be trained to scan for what is right and working. Your brain is always scanning and that scanning leads to your internal dialog and external actions. Just imagine if you took the power back and created a bias where you were scanning for all the things that felt good and that scanning lead to a positive internal dialog and external actions. You have that kind of power and PCM’s can help you get there.

How to build Positive Cellular Memory Bank or Library:

When creating your PCM library or bank you want to do it in a way that will really hit home. So I recommend creating a physical book that you can hold in your hand with photographs and a written description of the memory. When you hold the page open looking at the photograph and reading about the memory your brain will transport you to that positive moment in time.

When you write about it, double down and get into all of the positive feeling words of the moment. The reason you want to take the time to do this is because when you are up against a negative thought you want to be referencing something that feels stronger then that negative thought.

Let me give you an example:

This photograph and moment in time immediately transports me to a place of joy and so it is absolutely a positive cellular memory.

A first run description of this memory might go something like this: What a great day on the lake! Having fun with friends playing around like kids. Listening to music, laughing, basking in the sunshine, and being on the water makes life feel full. For all of this I am grateful.

Pretty good pass right? But will it standup to a negative thought? The answer is maybe. I want a freak yes it will stand up to the negative thought, not just a maybe.

So let’s try again doubling down and really mining all that feels good: What a freaking fantastic day on the lake. First of all I love these people and this moment for all the freedom and playfulness that we all created together. Being on the water, listening to music and laughing together it was all like glitter in the sunshine! Which the water actually looked like in person and in all of the photos! I wanted to jump in to the ice-cold mountain water and so we stopped the boat and I talked my Virgo sister into doing the plunge with me! Laughing hysterically we grabbed each other’s hands and just jumped. The ice-cold water felt like a million tickles on my skin and as my face broke through the freeing cold water to the warm sunshine I was still laughing with endless joy! Our laughter was so contagious that before we knew it another and another and another person was jumping in to join us. I was cold, ecstatic, and my heart was completely full. Boundless joy can be seen on my face and felt in every cell of my being. For all of this I am so freaking grateful!

Now that’s a freak yes, that can stand up to a negative thought.

So I recommend taking the time to double down and mine the moment for all that feels good. It’s great to catch the Positive Cellular Memories as they happen, call them out and add a photo of that moment to a photo album on your phone. Then write about it right after. But going back and scanning for them and picking them out of your past is perfect too! Just keep building your library or bank.

You can also create a voice note to describe the brilliance of the moment so that you don’t forget. You just want to make sure that you go deep enough into the brilliance of the moment so that it evokes that positive cellular response when you listen to it, read it, or see it.

How to use Positive Cellular Memory:

There are lots of ways to use your positive cellular memories but today we are going to look the three that deal with creating a transition form a place that doesn’t feel good to one that feels better.

First is to calm you down from a heightened negative experience. When you feel yourself worked up and your blood pressure is on the rise pull out a Positive Cellular Memory to help calm your nervous system down. Take a few rounds of square breathing, inhaling for four counts, holding for four counts, exhaling for four counts, and then holding for four counts. As you pace your breathing look at one of those photos. Then read that description once or twice. Closing your eyes, let yourself be transported there allowing your cellular structure to go along for the ride. This breaks the cycle of the negative experience. You are taken out of your amygdala and ushered into your prefrontal cortex and from there you get to make a more conscious and solution oriented decision of what you want to do next.

Second is to get you into positive mindset. When you know you are about to do something that might feel nerve-racking or challenging pulling out a Positive Cellular Memory is a great way to get you into a positive and more powerful mindset. Any stress or anxiety is squashed into a more manageable place. Thoughts about the upcoming event or action can be pulled from that solution oriented prefrontal cortex rather then that fight, flight or freeze place of fear of your amygdala.

And lastly is to help you get neutral, then transition to a better path of thinking. When you are consciously watching your thoughts and working on transition from the Jellyfish beach path of thinking (pulling thoughts from your amygdala) to the Pina Colada beach path of thinking (pulling thoughts from your prefrontal cortex), it can be really hard to go from that negative path of thinking to a positive one. And that’s when your PCMs really come in handy. If you find yourself on the Jellyfish beach pulling thoughts from a place of fight, fight, or freeze that’s when you take a time out or “time into your heart” and use your PCM to help you slow that negative momentum down and get you to a neutral place. You might even find that you can more easily scan for what is right and working in the actual moment from this post PCM place. From there you can actively reach for one thought that feels better, and then another and before you know it you are actively in your prefrontal cortex, in a state of higher level thinking, allowing yourself to feel so much better!

Now go out and start building up your Positive Cellular Memory bank. Feel free to share them with me too! I am here if you need help digging deeper. Leave any of your questions and comment on the video or this blog.

Subscribe to my emails and my YouTube channel, like and share the video and blog, and until next time, know I am holding a place of love for you, where you your positive cellular memory bank is full and feeling good is within your reach!

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