What Makes You Feel Connected
SUMMER SESSION: Questions to Awaken Your Heart, Mind, and Soul.
Here is a question that will help you reflect, clarify, and celebrate your story.
Sometimes it simply takes the spark of a questions to ignite an inner flame, illuminating where you have been, where you are in this moment, and where you heart is longing to go.
Ask yourself, ask your friends, your partner, your children, or ask a stranger this week’s question, and watch the miracles unfold before you!
This week’s question is:
What Makes You Feel Connected?
There is a fundamental truth of connection that courses through you. Its anthem is that you are divinely connected to everything, created from and forever held by source energy. While miraculously unique, you are a brilliant expression of all that is. It is comforting to know that you are not alone in this thing called life, and that you are part of something greater than yourself. We all sit together at the table of humanity, in a room of divinity, and while the illusion of separation divides us from each other, you from the things you desire, or even your heart and mind from its own truth; it is just that, an illusion.
There are endless voices that hold may hold you in that illusion of separation:
“I am alone.” NO: You are completely connected to all of us at the table of humanity.
- “I can’t have what I want.” OH YES YOU CAN: you are designed to have what you want, there are divine laws working in your favor 24/7 just so you are can have those things.
- “No one understands me.” BUT JUST THINK: you are connected with compassion and love to all at the table of humanity, and while you may not know somebody that understands you in this moment, you are very much connected to the divine source energy. Everything is created from this energy so how could it not know you, understand you, and still be with you?
- “I am not enough.” OH YOU ARE ENOUGH: You are enough you are connected to source and with that comes and abundance of oneness and your truth of connection takes you beyond enough.
- “Who do you think you are to want that?” WHO ARE YOU NOT TO: Your desires are valuable and designed to help you move through your personal evolution. Dream and want to your heart’s content.
In the moments when the voices bully you, when you feel lost, empty, frustrated, disappointed, alone, or separated from what your heart desires, reach deep within yourself and hold onto your truth of connection. Connection is reflected back to you in millions of ways that can easily be over looked. It’s in these moments that you must consciously wipe the sleep of limitation from your eyes and reclaim your truth.
Remember where you focus your attention is what you will create in your life. You are fundamentally connected; any thought outside of this is only going to cause resistance and suffering because it is untrue. So your job is to find and feel as much connection in your life as possible. I can’t say it enough, even when limiting beliefs and voices try to sneak in, this is the time to find the connection, focus on it and then watch it multiply.
A Few Things To Deepen Your Experience With This Week’s Question
- Don’t Stop At One Answer:
Take the larger macro scape questions; “What makes you feel connected?” and shift it to a micro view. Ask yourself, “Where were all the things that made me feel connected today?” Shifting the question like this helps you see that your truth is not just a one off experience. - My Favorite Thing About Being Connected:
My favorite thing about being connected is that it feels like a giant hug. It reminds me just how supported I really am in my humanity and my divinity. - Use The Question to Stay Plugged Into Your Truth:
Keep this week’s question stoking the fire of inner curiosity and let it help you stay plugged into your truth. A couple of the “I AM Essential Truths” that work really well with this week’s question are: I AM MIRACULOUS and I AM CONNECTED.
My Answer To This Week’s Question Goes Like This…
I focus on connection a lot in my life because I have found it to be a very power and grounding tool. In my youth I yearned for it so much that it ached inside me. My focus was so outside of myself and it fostered and illusion of what seemed to be a fundamental emptiness and lack. At that time in my life, despite the pain and separation, I kept feeling and seeing things that were otherworldly. These whispers that assured me it would all be ok, and that this was not all there would ever be. I didn’t have much langue for these experiences but in those moments I was undeniably connected to something bigger that what I knew.
Fast forward a few decades and I have cultivated my langue and understanding so much so, I teach it to others. My favorite place of connection is in prayer and meditation. It feels as if I am home. My humanity quiets and my soul leads me into a place where all illusion fades. I try to live with that connection when my humanity is at work. I see that connection reflected back to me in my partner, when I’m with my fur baby, when I am creating love with my tribe, when I am in nature, or listening to music. I feel connected when I write, teach, am holding space for others to learn and love, or anything involved with my heart’s purpose. I feel connected when I am learning or seeking, which I love to do. In times of chaos (which we all have, don’t let anyone fool you) I reach for the connection to my breath, my feet to the ground, or simply my hand on my heart.
Now my micro response for this week’s question is one that I love to start my day with. Calling out my places of connection out loud. That’s right, I usually do it in the shower, and will make sure that I do it each day this week. Who is with me on the connection quest this week?
I can’t wait to hear about what makes you feel connected. Remember, there are no wrong answers and no judgment, just curiosity and enthusiasm that you showed up and that you seeking your own connection.
Please share your stories of connection with me. I want to hear about the big ones and the smaller daily ones too. Write them in the comments on the blog and social media, or reply to the weekly email is you want to keep them more private.
Remember I am always here to teach, support, and inspire you with heart-centered solutions for your everyday problems.
xoxo- Alicia