You Are A Miraculous Creature

 In Blog, Inspiration & Motivation

Unique-and-Miraculous-Creature-Oh my love, you are a unique and miraculous creature.  Only you can bring your essence of love, expression of truth and creation of life to the table of humanity! 

Today is your day! You are designed to experience great and boundless love.  To experience Big Love you must own Big Love, and you must embody Big Love within yourself. 

I know it can be hard to look within and remember your expansive truth of the love that you are. You can get caught up in the voices in your head that tell you otherwise. Those voices are just the repetition of someone else limitation, they only became yours by adoption. 

Your heart holds your fundamental truth, and it beckons you back from those places of limitation.  The shame is transformed into honor and respect.  The self-deprecation and bulling can become an inner triumph and victory of heart. You can finally stop shoulderining all over yourself and instead give yourself permission to not only dream, but also then live into those dreams and find freedom in wherever you are in any given moment.          
Try not to be afraid as you write your story, but be awe inspired by all that you are and all that your heart holds. Your humanity is a journey and the magic is there to be found in your every moment.  That’s right, the pain is there to serve you, the depression is there to help you come back to your magic and the stress and anxiety are designed to point you in the direction of home.  Your heart and all it hold is your map back home, back to your essential truth, your power and your freedom.  You are truly the only you this world is ever going to know. All that you have experienced gifts you a unique expression of truth and creation of life. 

I am sending you love, you miraculous creature. I know you will find your way home.  If you need help mapping out your heart, I am here for you!  Thank you for being you at the table of humanity.   

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