Inspired By The Words Of Kay Richae

 In Blog

I paused my regularly scheduled weekly content to shift focus to what is happening for us culturally at this moment. The rapids have gotten turbulent on the river of life. As always I want to remind you that on the river of life you have a boat, and that boat is your consciousness.

The volume has risen to an undeniable place for us as a collective. As I always teach, volume is there to server your higher good. It is not designed to hold you in a place of suffering. Volume is designed to help you create langue and illustrate the fear and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. As you use that volume you can find clarity, understanding, and ownership for the very thing that your inner being is calling forward for you to create in your life.  It is an opportunity for you rise up in your fundamental truth.

We are experiencing a collective volume and just like personal volume, it is designed to help us.  The majority wants equality, desire inclusion, and  believe in a vision of wholeness that we have not yet experienced as a collective people.  Our heart and souls echo a oneness because that is what we come from.  There is no division or exclusions in the divine, and it is that very divinity that set our humanity into motion.  Our collective volume in this moment is here to help us find a path forward to a better more whole place for all people.

I have gone through many phases in the past few days, as I am sure you have. I have worked hard to stay in my consciousness boat as I navigate the rocky water on the river of life. For me that means keeping my focus on my inner alignment; meditating, praying, reading and putting myself in front of sources that plug into that divine space, while making sure to listen to outpouring of powerful information from our black community.

This moment in time is a lot to process. There is nothing wrong with you if you are feeling all the ups and downs that volume brings with it, as it asks you to create change for your higher good and the higher good of us as a collective.

I turned to the words of some of African American leaders whose words resonate into my soul and inspire my humanity; Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King Jr., Oprah Winfrey, John Lewis and Michael Beckwith. While their wisdom soothed me, my heart called for something else. Not knowing what that might be I reached to find my inner alignment, and with the last thought of my day, as my head hit the pillow, I called out to the divine for help.

I woke up the next morning to Gabby Bernstein and Kay Richae’s Instagram live. Kay’s words resonated as a yes deep within my being, as every answer to a pray does. If you find yourself swept up in the rapids of the racial and civil volume, I highly recommend you watch the whole video HERE.

While watching this video I was reminded that you can bring joy, laughter, and zest for life into this moment. Actually it is very valuable to do that very thing.  Hearing the words spring forth with positivity, and effervescence made her contagious.  Her smile and love for humanity made you hang on her every word.

I took three very valuable ideas away from my time listening to her. Anything below in quotes are Kay Richae’s illuminated words.

Let’s Be At Home With Each Other-

It is our collective consciousness that’s going to pull our society forward. It’s us coming together just like this on a frequency of love and vibration and understanding and collaboration and pisses off ness, that is going to move our society forward.

Use what you have… all the skills, talents, faculties, connections and resources you have to move forward our society in the way you feel called to move.

This was a profound call back into action for me. I had felt myself shrinking down, as if giving up on my gift and my voice would help create the equality. Somehow in the equality that I was daydream about, that has yet to be created into reality, I left myself out completely. Fear does strange things even when you are daydreaming about something so beautiful.

After unlocking my voice she pointed right to the purpose within each of us.


The Answer Is In All Of Us –

What are you called to do? You know what you are called to do the presence of God in you guides you to do what you are called to do. Whatever it is… Do that… do it consciously, do it proudly, do it energetically.

I know it feels strange but having a black woman (who I can tell is aligned with source) not only give me permission to move forward, but challenge me to do so with pride and energy, well it felt like a gift.

Don’t let anyone tell you that what you do and what you contribute isn’t enough or you didn’t do it right, or you didn’t say it right.

You are fighting for rights & equality for people who might not look like you. You are fighting for God. You are fighting for people’s gifts, talents and potentials to be fulfilled. You are fighting for the gift God put in that person to manifest and flourish into our world.”

We need it all… everything that is good to pull us to a higher vibration of love.

Don’t let the heavy energies pull you down to the point where you become stagnant.”

The gift of divinity in each of us to have the space and love and environment to fully express themselves on our planet, because our plant needs our help… That’s the answer… the answer is in all of us.”

Trusting the vision and guidance of god within us no matter what.”

If we don’t get uncomfortable we aren’t creating something new.”

The words this brilliant, beautiful, black woman shared from her heart made so much sense to me.



We have to have a total abundance mindset and consciousness in order to be willing and available to see; to see a greater yet to be. A world that works for everyone, a world in where your son and my son can have equal rights. And guess what we all have more together. No one has less. We have to have an abundance mindset that transcends our fear in order for us to manifest the new good that is emerging.

She asked a question that I want you to think about. Because we are the architects of what come next for all of us. We are the dreamers, visionaries, creators and manifestors that bring it forth into reality. I pose her question to you.

What does a world that works for everyone look like?

All of us can be whatever it is we want to be and we don’t have to allow anyone to define what that means as we take action to create something new. And we can’t be afraid to make those demands.

Our culture was set up on a fundamental essence of lack, where only the few can truly get ahead, and scarcity and fear are constantly reiterated. I absolutely love the vision of a collective abundance mindset and consciousness. A country and world that works for everyone… “an abundance mindset that transcends our fear in order for us to manifest the new good that is emerging.” Now this is something that I can daydream about.

My hope is that as you read my words woven in with her words, you feel the energy of love rise within you. That is the space I always work to hold for you and I am thrilled to share and point you in the direction of this amazing woman of color.

Kay left us with a beautiful mantra that I want to share with you.

Kay’s Mantra-

“When I am committed to my spiritual practice and am intentional about using my privilege for the good of all, I am lead in a path that creates a world that works for everyone.”


If you are on Instagram please consider following Kay. You can find her Instagram link HERE.

Kay is also going to be hosting a live video class and you can sign up HERE if you would like to join.



















If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab your copy of the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power.

This Kit is filled with chapters to help you move through this very process. With exercise, audios, and videos you will learn three powerful tools to help you shift your point of view, while also learning how to map out your story so you can take back your power over your thoughts.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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Alicia Hartzell Love Letter Awakening to Your Story