May I Know That I Belong

 In Blog, Note to Self

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

You belong to an incredible lineage of love

Weather you are in a personal dynamic that has you feeling like you’re on the outside or are just dealing with the cultural phenomenon of having to be more isolated because of a global pandemic, your point of reference and focus helps determine your feelings.

We all want to feel like we belong and are a part of something valuable…. We want our value and worthiness to be experienced externally and reflected back to us. And often we become reliant on those external reflections of our value and worth to help us feel good about who we are, what we are doing, and how we feel over all.


Here is where your point of reference and focus are everything! If you aren’t feeling good about yourself or what’s happening in your life, or if you have been feeling disconnected and anxious and sad about it, then it’s time to check your point of reference.


Self-doubt has a way of creeping in when your focus is on other people and how they see you. Their actions may make you feel a particular way about yourself, but the reality is that their actions have little to nothing to do with you. Your worth, value and sense of belonging…. don’t have to be up for negation because of someone else.


Your worthiness has nothing to do with:

  • What people think of you
  • If people include or invite you places
  • If they see you, appreciate you, or admire you
  • The circumstances you find yourself in (Good or Bad)
  • What you have or have not accomplished
  • What you look like
  • How popular you are
  • Your age, experiences, gender, religion, race, orientation, wealth or status.

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Your worth and value don’t really have much to do with any of the external or human part of who you are, and they sure as heck don’t have to do with anyone else.

You come from a vast lineage of love! 

Your divinity set your humanity into motion weaving divine love into all that you are. Every person at the table of humanity, past, present and future, comes from this lineage of love. Through this human experience we each create our unique expression of truth, essence of love, and creation of life.  You absolutely belong!  You are the only you that could ever fill you seat at the table of humanity.

Where you focus your attention you create thoughts and those thoughts lead to feelings and so the cycle continues…. but you always have a choice and you can interrupt a cycle and focus on how truly and deeply you belong to this brilliant lineage of love.

From that fundamental perspective of truth, value and worthiness your belonging sounds and feels so beautiful and elegant.  But I do get that the day-to-day reality of being human and sitting at the table of humanity is messy. It’s a mix of both darkness and light and challenge and joy, along with endless contrasting experiences. No matter where you find yourself in this messy-mix of human experience, remember to bring it back to your heart, your soul, and your fundamental truth… you are worthy, valuable, and you absolutely belong.  You have the power to focus there and then refocus there as often as you need to.


How often to you find yourself replaying the feeling of being excluded, abandoned or along? Do you keep an ongoing list in your mind of all the ways that you are missing out in your life?

Has your focus been on “them and what they are doing?”  Does that focus feel good?

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

Or have you been focusing on what you have, what you’re grateful for and what you know to be true about your own heart?

How deeply connected are you to all the feelings of connection that come with knowing your value at the table of humanity?

Are you tickled by the worth and value that is coursing through your humanity?  How often are you experiencing joy all on your own?

Can you allow yourself to be still and let the outside world around you to fade for a moment? In that moment can you let your mind and heart fully expand into your place of the collective light?

From that place of light can you appreciate your place at the table of humanity? Can you take a breath and be there…. with all of humanity? Can you rest into the fundamental feelings of belonging here, just as you are?

Your feelings, thoughts and focus are real and a very powerful part of the co-creative process that creates your reality.  You have the power to focus on your bigger picture of belonging and to create your thoughts from this place of worth and value. Just imagine the miracles and joy that wait for you from that perspective.

So this week I invite you to think about, dream about, and believe that you BELONG.



These videos and audios will help you keep your thoughts ad focus on believing that you do in fact belong.










Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

How To Feel Like You Belong

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

How To Re-Pattern Your Thoughts Of Exclusion & Separation

Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story

How To Feel Like You Belong

Alicia Hartzell Awakening To Your Story

How To Re-Pattern Your Thoughts Of Exclusion & Separation








Here are some re-aligning & re-patterning journal prompts, and truths to claim along with some self permission that will help you open the door to your place, power and belonging!




Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your Story Use these journal prompts in the true pen to paper journal style or just think about them throughout the week.  Let the positive memories and new ideas carve out space for possibility in your mind.




Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryUse these essential truth and self love affirmations to stoke that inner fire of your desires.  Put yourself in the way of these thoughts and ideas as many times as you can this week. And by all means don’t stop there! Create your own and let them take hold of your focus as you move through the creation process.




Alicia Hartzell Awakening to Your StoryUse this self permission statement to open the door to what is possible for you.  You are the one who has the power to grant yourself permission to think, be, create, and show up in the way that you do in the story of your life.






The Starter Kit and Hand Book are great resources that can help you along the way!


If you enjoy a more hands-on approach you can always grab your copy of the Awaking to Your Story Starter Kit – 3 Tools For Returning To Your Power.

This Kit is filled with chapters to help you move through this very process. With exercise, audios, and videos you will learn three powerful tools to help you shift your point of view, while also learning how to map out your story so you can take back your power over your thoughts.



You can also grab a copy of the Awaking to Your Story –Navigating the River of Life Handbook. You can never go wrong knowing where you are on the river of life and having to tools to help you through any turbulent situation. You can use the exercises inside to help you stay focused on your re-patterning process.



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Awakening to Your Story Alicia Hartzell